
Impact of <i>in coin cell</i> atmosphere on lithium metal battery performance

Figure 5. (A) SOH and CE profiles of NMC811||Li cells at a constant current density of 0.5 mAh cm2 between 4.2 V and 3.0 V (~C/2, areal cathode capacity: 1.03 mAh cm-2). Top: SOH; bottom: CE. The presented results are an average of three cell setups of each kind. (B) Post-mortem IR analysis of the CEI on NMC811 cathodes after 50 cycles (AE-VC, top) and 100 cycles (AE-FEC, bottom). AE-FEC × DR - dark blue; AE-FEC × GB - light blue, AE-VC × DR - dark red, AE-VC × GB - light red, NMC811 baseline - black.

Energy Materials
ISSN 2770-5900 (Online)
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